Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
We want to hear from you! Please contact our office by calling 415-353-9500, sending us an email at: [email protected], or sending your provider a message directly on MyChart. Please sign up for this if you haven’t already.
Please visit UCSF website at: UCSF Health Billing and Insurance
We aspire to provide a comprehensive facial plastic and reconstructive surgical experience for our patients. If you want to know about a particular service or product, please visit our Procedures & Surgeries section on our website.
If your initial consultation is with our nurse practitioner, Sara Lezin, this will be followed by a consultation with on of our surgeons roughly 8 weeks later. You may be seen initially by one of the surgeons, depending upon the severity and urgency of the issue.
We are happy to offer limited parking to our patients during their office visits with us. The parking lot is located directly behind our office and can be assessed through a small entryway to the right of our clinic when facing the building. Please only park at a UCSF marked space if you have an appointment with us the same day. Failure to cooperate will put your vehicle at risk of being towed.
We request that patients arrive 10-15 minutes before their scheduled appointment time for check-in. However, if you are running late, we kindly request that you contact our office to notify and provide an estimated arrival time so we can notify your provider to check if we can still accommodate you for your appointment.
If you are unable to attend your appointment, please cancel your appointment as far in advance as possible so the appointment may be offered to another patient.
Our clinic phone number is (415) 353-9500.
Our No-Show/Cancellation Policy is as follows:
A photo review is a cosmetic consultation that comes with an additional cost. During this appointment, the provider will use our photo morphing software to help you visualize the likely results we are trying to achieve with surgery. This consultation is a good way to discuss in further detail your expectations with your surgeon and allows you to direct the goal setting.
It is very likely that we will take photographs of your face during your visit. These photos are importantly used to assess your features, follow your progress, supplement insurance authorization approvals and with your permission for marketing/teaching purposes.
One of our surgery coordinators will reach out to you via MyChart or phone to schedule your surgery
In order to minimize any untoward outcomes, we recommend against travel during the first 2 weeks after surgery. You will have your first post-op visit approximately one week after surgery. Also, in the two-week post-operative period, you are at risk of bleeding, bruising, pain, and swelling. These recommendations may vary depending upon your procedure and you should discuss your particular circumstances with the surgical team. If you decide to travel after the two-week mark you need to accept the risk that if surgery-related issues arise, you may have to resort to the emergency care services in your immediate area since we can only do so much being far away.
Yes, if you opt to do a cosmetic injection (Botox, Fillers) the same day you have a cosmetic consult, your cosmetic consult fee will be used towards your cosmetic injection service costs.
We are pleased to offer a variety of laser and cutaneous energy treatments. Please visit our website at: Laser Injectables and Treatments
It will take 3-5 days for botulinum toxin treatments to settle in and to appreciate results.
Our office will work on obtaining a prior authorization prior to your appointment should your service and health plan require one, and will contact you if there are any issues. Please note, a prior authorization is not a guarantee of payment. Should you have any questions related to your benefits, please contact your insurance directly.
Our office accepts FSA/HSA to pay for your co-payments and/or deductibles. Please note that FSA/HSA is not accepted for cosmetic services.
Our office is not contracted with Care Credit therefore we do not accept Care Credit as a form of payment. Please visit carecredit.com for a list of contracted facilities.
Our office does not offer a formal payment plan for our out-of-pocket services, however you may split your balance for your out-of-pocket portion amongst multiple cards if needed, so long as your balance is paid in full, two weeks prior to your scheduled procedure.
We do not have access to the records of your imaging for scans performed outside of UCSF. Please bring a CD with any imaging performed outside of UCSF in DICOM format to your visit.
Yes, we are constantly working to get patients in sooner! Our office will contact you by phone during regular business hours when the opportunity arises.
Please see UCSF's Patients' Rights and Responsibilities Policy: