Brow Lift

Also known as a forehead lift, a brow lift reduces the signs of aging on the eyebrows and/or forehead. A brow lift is commonly performed in conjunction with other procedures, such as a facelift or blepharoplasty, to provide a balanced, harmonious, and youthful appearance to the face.


Candidates for brow lift surgery typically have frown lines between their eyebrows or across their nose, and/or sagging eyebrows, leaving them with a tired or sad appearance. Individuals seeking a brow lift often feel that they do not look as young as they feel.


During your brow lift consultation, Dr. Knott or Dr. Park will perform a physical examination, review your medical history, and discuss your desired goals from this procedure. They will evaluate the thickness, texture and elasticity of your facial skin, the structure of your facial bones, the overall appearance of your eyebrows and eyelids, and the position of your eyebrows. Dr. Knott or Dr. Park will use this information to determine the most appropriate surgical approach, which will be explained to you in great detail.

Formerly, brow lift surgery required a large incision across the entire top of the forehead. Currently, the vast majority of these use the endoscopic technique, in which three to five small incisions are made across the forehead behind the hairline. These small incisions allow for a shorter recovery time, minimize the risk of scalp numbness and minimize the elevation of your hairline. If your hairline is already high, other options will be discussed, including the use of a hairline incision or an upper eyelid incision. During your consultation, Dr. Knott or Dr. Park will explain the exact approach they would recommend for you.


Brow lift surgery usually takes about one to two hours to perform and may take place at a hospital or an ambulatory center. Either general anesthesia or intravenous sedation will be used for this procedure; Dr. Knott or Dr. Park will coordinate with your anesthesiologist to choose the best option for you. The forehead skin is elevated and the brows undermined to permit repositioning. The muscles responsible for frown lines can be weakened to proved long-term prevention or treatment of these wrinkles. The brows will then be suspended in their rejuvenated position. At the end of the procedure, the incisions are closed with sutures and you will be moved to a recovery area for observation.


Most patients return home the same day as their brow lift, however an overnight stay may be necessary for some. If a drain is placed in the OR, it is removed on the first day after surgery. Swelling may be pronounced for the first two to three days after surgery, although most swelling goes away within two weeks. Judicious application of ice limits the amount of swelling that you would experience. There may be some bruising that also should fade by two weeks after surgery. Aerobic exercise should likewise be avoided for two weeks following surgery, but other normal activities may be resumed within several days of surgery. Pain medications will be called in for you before surgery and these may be taken as needed. Dr. Knott or Dr. Park will follow you closely to make sure that your result is optimized.

To learn more about a brow lift and whether or not this procedure is right for you, please call us today to schedule a consultation.

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