Elizabeth Cedars, MD
Topics of Study: Preschool hearing screening outcomes in low-income children; Outcomes in children using bone-anchored hearing devices
Cedars E, Chan DK, Rosbe KW. Conversion of Traditional Osseointegrated Bone-anchored Hearing Aids to the BAHA Attract in Four Pediatric Patients. Poster presentation, American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology Spring Meeting.
Cedars E, Kriss H, Lazar AA, Chan C, Chan DK. Use of Otoacoustic Emissions as a Second-line Test in a Community Preschool Hearing Screening Program. Podium presentation, American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology Spring Meeting.
Kriss H, Cedars E, Chan C, Chan DK. Reducing Disparities and Improving Outcomes in Preschool Hearing Screening. Podium presentation, Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Annual Meeting.
Current Position (2023): Otolaryngologist, Santa Rosa Head and Neck Surgical Group

Abel P. David, MD
Topics of Study: Preschool hearing screening outcomes in low-income children
David AP, Xu MJ, Rosbe KW, Meyer AK, Gesthaler YB, Chan DK. Cyroprobe Retrieval of an Airway Foreign Body: A Case Report and Literature Review. Poster presentation, American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology Spring Meeting.
David AP, House AE, Chan DK. Excision of Nasal Dermoid with Intracranial Extension via Endoscope-Assisted Open Rhinoplasty Approach: A Case Report. Poster Presentation, European Society for Pediatric Otolaryngology (accepted, deferred to November 2021)
David AP, Kriss H, Chan DK. Early-Childhood Hearing Screening Program in a Low-Income Urban Setting. Podium Presentation, European Society for Pediatric Otolaryngology (accepted, deferred to November 2021)
Current Position (2023): Chief Resident, Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, UCSF

Michelle Florentine, MD
Topics of Study: Access challenges in children who are deaf of hard-of-hearing; Racial/ethnic disparities in genetic testing; Speech and language outcomes and disparities in children with congenital aural atresia; Audiologic outcomes in children using bone-anchored hearing devices
Florentine MM, Rouse SL, Stephans J, Conrad D, Czechowicz J, Matthews IR, Meyer AK, Nadaraja GS, Parikh R, Virbalas J, Weinstein JE, Chan DK.
Racial and ethnic disparities in diagnostic efficacy of comprehensive genetic testing for sensorineural hearing loss. Hum Genet. 2021 Sep 13. PMID: 34515852
Jaradeh K, Florentine MM, Bellfort-Salinas S, Chan D. Impact of birthplace on time to identification and intervention of hearing loss. Poster presentation, American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology
Brodie K, Florentine MM, Liao E, Chan D. Differences in hearing aid and speech therapy utilization between children with permanent unilateral versus bilateral hearing loss. Podium presentation, American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology
Current Position (2023): Resident Physician, Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, UCSF

Eric J. Formeister, MD, MS
Topics of Study: Targeting the unfolded protein response to treat cisplatin-induced hearing loss
Publications/Presentations: n/a
Current Position (2023): Assistant Professor, Otology/Neurotology, Duke University
Sophie Le Clec'h
Topics of Study: Speech and language outcomes and disparities in children with congenital aural atresia
Current Position (2023): Resident Physician, Brest University Hospital, Brest, France

Edward Lee, MD
Topics of Study: Outcomes of CMV dried-blood-spot testing in children with hearing loss
Lee ER, Chan DK. Progressive Hearing Loss in Children with Congenital CMV and Single-Sided Deafness: Expanding Cochlear Implant Candidacy. Poster presentation, American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology Spring Meeting.
Current Position (2023): Otolaryngologist, San Francisco ENT

Conor W McLaughlin, MD
Topics of Study: Targeting the unfolded protein response to treat noise-induced hearing loss
Li J, Akil O, Rouse S, Matthew I, McLaughlin C, Lustig LR, Chan DK, Sherr E. The Role of the Unfolded Protein Response and the Novel Gene, TMTC4, in the Pathogenesis and Treatment of Acquired Hearing Loss. Podium presentation, Association for Research in Otolaryngology Mid-Winter Meeting.
Current Position (2023): Otolaryngologist, Sacramento ENT

Stephanie Rouse
Topics of Study: Racial/ethnic disparities in genetic testing; Unfolded protein response and calcium dynamics in genetic and acquired hearing loss
Florentine MM, Rouse SL, Stephans J, Conrad D, Czechowicz J, Matthews IR, Meyer AK, Nadaraja GS, Parikh R, Virbalas J, Weinstein JE, Chan DK.
Racial and ethnic disparities in diagnostic efficacy of comprehensive genetic testing for sensorineural hearing loss. Hum Genet. 2021 Sep 13. PMID: 34515852
Chan DK, Rouse SL. Intercellular Calcium Waves in Supporting Cells of the Adult Gerbil Cochlea. Poster presentation, Association for Research in Otolaryngology Mid-Winter Meeting.
Rouse SL, Matthews IR, Chan DK. Otoprotection by the Small-Molecular UPR Modulator ISRIB Across a Broad Range of Noise Exposures. Poster presentation, Association for Research in Otolaryngology Mid-Winter Meeting.
Rouse SL, Li J, Matthews IR, Sherr EH, Chan DK. Mitigating Cisplatin Ototoxicity by Targeting the Unfolded Protein Response in a Novel Mouse Model. Poster presentation, Association for Research in Otolaryngology Mid-Winter Meeting.
Rouse SL, Li J, Matthews IR, Sherr EH, Chan DK. Unfolded Protein Response Activation Correlates with Non-Linear Cisplatin Ototoxicity. Poster presentation, Association for Research in Otolaryngology Mid-Winter Meeting.
Rouse SL, Matthews IR, Chan DK. The Role of Sex in the Pathophysiology and Treatment of Cochlear Synaptopathy. Poster presentation, Association for Research in Otolaryngology Mid-Winter Meeting.
Rouse SL, Chan DK. Congenital Aural Atresia and First Branchial Cleft Anomalies: Risk for Cholesteatoma and Necessity of Surgical Management. Poster Presentation, European Society for Pediatric Otolaryngology (accepted, deferred to November 2021)
Florentine M, Rouse SL, Stephans J, Conrad D, Czechowicz J, Matthew IR, Meyer AK, Nadaraja GS, Parikh R, Virbalas J, Weinstein JC, Chan DK. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Diagnostic Efficacy of Comprehensive Genetic Testing for Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Podium Presentation, American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology.
Current Position (2023): Research Technologist, Boston Children’s Hospital

Brooke Su-Velez, MD, MPH
Topics of Study: Disparities in access and utilization of care among children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing; Prevalence of hearing loss among US children using the NHANES survey
Su BM, Chan DK. Prevalence of Hearing Loss in U.S. Children and Adolescents: Findings from NHANES 1988-2010. Podium presentation, American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology Spring Meeting.
Su BM, Park J, Chan DK. Effects of Primary Home Language on the Multi-disciplinary Care of Children with Hearing Loss. Podium presentation, American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology Spring Meeting.
Current position (2023): Pediatric Otolaryngologist, CHOC Children’s Hospital; Assistant Clinical Professor, UC Irvine.

Neelaysh Vukkadala, MD
Topics of Study: Language outcomes and quality of life in bilingual children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing
Vukkadala N, Giridhar S, Okumura M, Chan DK. Development of a New Hearing-related Quality of Life Instrument. Podium presentation, Society for Ear, Nose, and Throat Advancement in Children.
Vukkadala N, Perez D, Cabala S, Kapur C, Chan DK. Linguistic and Behavioral Outcomes of Bilingual Children with Hearing Loss. Podium presentation, Triologic Society Spring Meeting.
Sola AM, Vukkadala N, Stephans J, Chan DK. Validation of an Infant-Toddler Hearing-Related Quality of Life Survey Instrument. Poster Presentation, European Society for Pediatric Otolaryngology (accepted, deferred to November 2021)
Current Position (2023): Laryngology Fellow, UCLA Department of Head and Neck Surgery