Srikantan Nagarajan, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging at the University of California, San Francisco. He has joint appointments in the Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences and in the Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery at UCSF. He is an active member in the UCB-UCSF Joint Graduate Program in Bioengineering and has served on the Executive Committee. He also serves as the Director of the Biomagnetic Imaging Laboratory at UCSF.
With special expertise in biomedical engineering and integrative neuroscience, Dr. Nagarajan has multiple research interests, including understanding human brain plasticity associated with learning and disease, and determining neural mechanisms of speech motor control. He focusses on the development and refinement of multimodal structural and functional brain imaging and brain computer interfaces, for diagnosis and assessment in various patient populations. Dr. Nagarajan's current translational research program includes conducting multimodal brain imaging studies in people with Autism, Dementia, Tinnitus, Brain Tumors, Epilepsy, Traumatic Brain Injury, Schizophrenia, Tinnitus, Asymmetric Hearing loss, Stroke and Voice Disorders.
Dr. Nagarajan has served as Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator on several research grants from NIH and NSF. He has published over 200 peer-reviewed articles, numerous conference papers and several book chapters. He has co-authored two books with Dr. Kensuke Sekihara and published by Springer-Verlag - Adaptive Spatial Filters for Electromagnetic Brain Imaging (2008) and Electromagnetic Brain Imaging: A Bayesian Perspective (2015).
Biomedical Engineering, Neuroimaging, Human Neuroscience, Machine Learning
Human brain plasticity, Speech motor control, Sensorimotor learning,
Professional Interests:
Functional brain imaging, machine learning, probabilistic and graphical models, statistical signal processing, magneto encephalography (MEG), electroencephalography (EEG), electrocorticography (ECoG), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), brain computer interfaces (BCI), cortical electrophysiology, cortical plasticity, perceptual learning, speech perception, speech production, auditory feedback, somatosensory feedback, sensorimotor control, reality monitoring, executive function, working memory, consciousness, introspection, psychophysics, computational models for speech.
Education and Training:
Dr. Nagarajan obtained his BE in Electrical Engineering at the University of Madras, India, and he completed his MS in Biomedical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Nagarajan received his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship from UCSF with Drs. Michael Merzenich and Christoph Schreiner.
With special expertise in biomedical engineering and integrative neuroscience, Dr. Nagarajan has multiple research interests, including understanding human brain plasticity associated with learning and disease, and determining neural mechanisms of speech motor control. He focusses on the development and refinement of multimodal structural and functional brain imaging and brain computer interfaces, for diagnosis and assessment in various patient populations. Dr. Nagarajan's current translational research program includes conducting multimodal brain imaging studies in people with Autism, Dementia, Tinnitus, Brain Tumors, Epilepsy, Traumatic Brain Injury, Schizophrenia, Tinnitus, Asymmetric Hearing loss, Stroke and Voice Disorders.
Dr. Nagarajan has served as Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator on several research grants from NIH and NSF. He has published over 200 peer-reviewed articles, numerous conference papers and several book chapters. He has co-authored two books with Dr. Kensuke Sekihara and published by Springer-Verlag - Adaptive Spatial Filters for Electromagnetic Brain Imaging (2008) and Electromagnetic Brain Imaging: A Bayesian Perspective (2015).
Biomedical Engineering, Neuroimaging, Human Neuroscience, Machine Learning
Human brain plasticity, Speech motor control, Sensorimotor learning,
Professional Interests:
Functional brain imaging, machine learning, probabilistic and graphical models, statistical signal processing, magneto encephalography (MEG), electroencephalography (EEG), electrocorticography (ECoG), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), brain computer interfaces (BCI), cortical electrophysiology, cortical plasticity, perceptual learning, speech perception, speech production, auditory feedback, somatosensory feedback, sensorimotor control, reality monitoring, executive function, working memory, consciousness, introspection, psychophysics, computational models for speech.
Education and Training:
Dr. Nagarajan obtained his BE in Electrical Engineering at the University of Madras, India, and he completed his MS in Biomedical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Nagarajan received his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship from UCSF with Drs. Michael Merzenich and Christoph Schreiner.