Laryngology and Care of the Professional Voice Fellowship

Annual Start Date
July 15
Duration of Fellowship
1 year clinical (optional additional year of research)
University Affiliation
1 year clinical (optional additional year of research)
Licensure Requirements
California Medical License
Number of Fellows Per Year

Program details

Appointment Level

Faculty member as Clinical Instructor

Operating Privileges

UCSF Medical Center, Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, SFVA Hospital

Clinical Experience

Fellow will work with Drs. Clark Rosen, VyVy Young, Yue Ma, and Tyler Crosby as well as Sarah Schneider CCC-SLP as an integral part of a multidisciplinary team designed to serve patients with airway, voice, and swallowing disorders. Emphasis is placed on this being a comprehensive, hands-on, immersive experience – both in the operating room and clinic. Advanced level education regarding diagnostic and therapeutic options as well as advanced technical surgical skills is a primary focus. The fellow functions as attending surgeon in educating Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery residents, especially in the last 6 months of the fellowship where they provide tertiary laryngologic services at Zuckerburg San Francisco General Hospital. Surgical experience includes an average of 225 major cases, including: microsuspension laryngoscopy with microflap excision of lesions, CO2 laser removal of papilloma or laryngeal carcinoma, vocal fold injection medialization, vocal fold suture lateralization and CO2 laser transverse cordotomy for bilateral vocal fold paralysis, endoscopic and open airway stenosis reconstruction, type I throplasty and arytenoid adduction, tracheal resection and reanastamosis, crico-pharyngeal myotomy, and endoscopic and open Zenker’s diverticulectomy, among other procedures. Graduated autonomy is individualized but direct hands-on involvement is initiated early.


Clinical research is expected. An additional year of research is available if desired.

Call Responsibilities

Call 1 week every 12 weeks: 4 weeks/year. Privileges also at San Francisco General Hospital and Veterans Administration Medical Center to facilitate call.


OHNS Surgical Residency in an approved USA center, or equivalent training outside the USA; Commitment to an academic career in Laryngology/OHNS; Ablilty to obtain California Medical License.

Application Procedure

Send letter of interest, CV and three letters of recommendation in one email, preferably two years in advance of proposed start date, to fellowship coordinator at [email protected]

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