OHNS Chief of Laryngology Publishes Textbook

May 21, 2024

The field of laryngology was in dire need of a comprehensive resource to expand the application of the latest protocols. Clark Rosen, MD's new textbook, the second edition of Operative Techniques in Laryngology (Springer 2024), fills this void, offering a unique and invaluable resource to current and future laryngology specialists.

Clark Rosen, MD's new textbook, the second edition of Operative Techniques in Laryngology Dr. Clark Rosen a renowned expert in the field, is the UCSF Voice and Swallowing Center Co-Director, Chief of the Division of Laryngology and Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at UCSF OHNS. He also is Lewis F Morrison, MD Endowed chair of Laryngology and is past president of the American Laryngological Association, further solidifying his credentials and expertise.

Dr. Rosen, whose specialties include airway, voice and swallowing, wanted to provide a detailed and up-to-date resource for general ENT professionals and laryngologists. "I wanted to create a single source for learners and practitioners with an interest in Laryngology," Dr. Rosen says. "The field is relatively 'new' and has undergone great growth and advances in the last 10-15 years."

Authorship is not new to Dr. Rosen. He has published over 200 peer-reviewed publications, 35 book chapters, and six books. He contributed twice as a co-editor and author to Bailey's Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology textbook and previously co-wrote the first edition of Operative Techniques in Laryngology in 2008. The second edition of this textbook is the result of years of research, collaboration with other experts in the field, and a commitment to providing the most up-to-date and comprehensive resource for laryngology specialists. 

The key to ensuring your audience takes something valuable away from your writing is to focus on what "the reader needs to know to fully to care for a patient," Dr. Rosen says.  For the second edition of Operative Techniques in Laryngology, he hoped that "more people will adopt the newer techniques of laryngeal surgery to enhance the function of voice, swallowing and breathing for their patients."

Dr. Rosen says balancing his many areas of interest requires organization, passion and prioritization. For residents and junior faculty interested in contributing to textbooks, Dr. Rosen suggests "creating an outline of material to be covered, working on topics and material that you are passionate about and staying focused to achieve your publication goals."

Operative Techniques in Laryngology was published in April 2024 and is now available at Springer.com and Amazon.com.